Tunbridge Wells Arts Festival 2023
Mrs Collyer and Mrs Wibberley had the pleasure of watching most of the children perform at the festival and were so impressed by the level of confidence and skill that the children displayed. We were very proud of time the children took to prepare their pieces and for all of the achievements over the weekend.
Sacred Heart scooped an amazing eight 1st places, five 2nd places and eight 3rd places in categories including Music, Speech and Drama, Vocal and Choral. Our KS2 choir achieved 2nd place and our KS1 Choir gained 3rd place. Not to mention 3 Distinctions, 12 Merits and 29 Commendations! An incredible amount of talent from our little school. Full list of results:
Y1 Millie Novice Piano Duet with Teacher Pre Grade 1 COMMENDED (84)
Y3 Evan Novice Piano Duet with Teacher Pre Grade 1 COMMENDED (86) - 3rd
Y3 Rose Novice Piano Duet with Teacher Pre Grade 1 COMMENDED (84)
Y3 Teddy Novice Piano Duet with Teacher Pre Grade 1 COMMENDED (84)
Y3 Matty Piano Beginners DISTINCTION (88) - 1st
Y3 Matty Piano Duet with Teacher Grade 1-2 COMMENDED (86)
Y3 Hattie Piano Duet with Teacher Grade 1-2 COMMENDED (86) - 2nd
Y3 Hattie Piano Grade 1 COMMENDED (86) - 3rd
Y4 Felicity Piano Duet or Trio COMMENDED (85)
Y4 Imogen Y4 Felicity Piano Duet with Teacher Grade 1-2 DISTINCTION (87) - 1st
Y5 Coco Novice Piano Duet with Teacher Pre Grade 1 COMMENDED (85) - 3rd
Y5 Sophia Piano Beginners COMMENDED (85)
Y5 Sophia Novice Piano Duet with Teacher Pre Grade 1 COMMENDED (84)
Y5 Orla Woodwind or Brass Duet COMMENDED (85)
Y6 Louis Y3 Hattie Family Ensemble (non-competitive)
Y6 Harrison Y6 Harrison Piano Grade 2 COMMENDED (85) - 3rd
Y6 Harrison Piano Own Choice Year 5-6 COMMENDED (84)
Y6 Jack Piano Own Choice Year 5-6 MERIT (82)
Y6 Jack Piano Grade 3-4 MERIT (83) SPEECH & DRAMA
Y2 Tabitha Non-competitive Verse Speaking or Prose Reading
Y3 Rowland Prose Reading Year 3-4 COMMENDED (85) - 1st
Y3 Annemieke Verse Speaking Year 3-4 COMMENDED (84)
Y3 Teddy Verse Speaking Year 3-4 COMMENDED (85)
Y3 Joey Verse Speaking Year 3-4 DISTINCTION (87) - 1st
Y3 Tabitha Verse Speaking Year 3-4 COMMENDED (84)
Y4 Emily Verse Speaking Year 3-4 COMMENDED (86) - 2nd
Y3 Matty Verse Speaking Year 3-4 COMMENDED (86)- 2nd
Y4 Poppy Dramatic Duo or Trio up to Year 6 COMMENDED (86) - 1st
Y5 Millie Y5 Lily Verse Speaking Year 5-6 COMMENDED (84)
Y5 Coco Verse Speaking Year 5-6 COMMENDED (85) - 2nd
Y6 Millie Dramatic Solo up to Year 6 COMMENDED (85)
Y6 Jack Verse Speaking Year 5-6 COMMENDED (86) - 1st
Vocal & Choral
Y4 Poppy Own Choice Song Year 4 & under MERIT - 3rd
Y4 Emily Own Choice Song Year 4 & under MERIT - 5th
Y4 Poppy Show Song Year 6 & under MERIT - 4th
Y4 Poppy Vocal Duet Year 6 & under MERIT - 3rd
Y6 Millie Y6 Millie Show Song Year 6 & under MERIT – 4th
Y5 Eddie Own Choice Song Year 5-6 MERIT – 7th
Y5 Eddie Show Song Year 6 & under MERIT – 4th
Y5 Lily Show Song Year 6 & under MERIT – 5th
Y5 Sophia Show Song Year 6 & under MERIT – 6th
Y5 Coco Show Song Year 6 & under COMMENDED – 1st
Y5 Coco Own Choice Song Year 5-6 COMMENDED – 3rd
Y6 Millie Folk Song Year 6 and under COMMENDED – 1st
KS1 Choir Infant Choir MERIT (83) – 3rd
KS2 Choir Children’s Choir COMMENDED (85) - 2nd