Upcoming Events:


Pyjama Movie Night - Wednesday, 5th February - Save The Date!

2nd Hand Uniform Sale – Wednesday, 26th February from 08:30 - School Hall

Jumble Sale - Saturday, 1st March - please bring in any donations and drop them off in the school office.

Easter Egg Hunt - Monday, 31st March - Save the Date



We just wanted to let everyone know that there are many different ways to raise money for our school PTA. The PTA, as a charity, is registered with the following companies, that will donate to our PTA if you purchase or use through their sites:


• If you go to www.amazon.co.uk/smile and choose 'Sacred Heart School Parent Teacher Association' as your nominated charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to the PTA. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service but you’ll be helping raise money towards our school.

• You can also register with www.easyfundraising.org.uk to raise money for the school through purchasing online with a variety of retailers, insurance providers, phone companies and more. There are over 3,700 shops and sites that will give a percentage or a donation to our school.


• 24% of every name tags order at www.mynametags.com will be donated to our PTA. Just use our School ID - 7730 - at the checkout.

Every bit helps. Thank you for your support.

The PTA Team

Independent Schools AssociationCatholic Independent Schools' Conference