
At Sacred Heart School we all aspire to provide a happy, safe and secure environment in which every child is encouraged to achieve their full potential, within an inclusive community, which is centred on Christ's teachings and shared Gospel values and which affirms the Catholic ethos of the founding religious order of Notre Dame.


We offer a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that promotes the spiritual, moral, emotional and physical development of each child. We provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities and experiences based on equally high expectations of every child.


We acknowledge the unique gifts of each child and instil a strong sense of self-worth by celebrating personal achievements and strengths. Leading by example we teach children to respect themselves and each other as unique and equally valuable members of God's universal family.


We engage in partnership with parents and parish for the good of every member of the community. Worship and prayer are central to the life of the school and are embedded in the whole curriculum, thus safeguarding, supporting and strengthening the spiritual life of all. 


Independent Schools AssociationCatholic Independent Schools' Conference