Leavers 2023 - 2024
Our Year 6s have gained places at a range of excellent schools: Tonbridge Grammar School, TWGGS, Mayfield, The Skinners’ School, Tunbridge Wells Boys Grammar School, Battle Abbey, Stamford School, Bennett Memorial School, Uplands, Claremont, and Bethany.
5 children were allocated Grammar Schools.
Scholarships were awarded in Musical Theatre, Design and Technology, an All-rounder scholarship and an unconditional offer to Tonbridge School.
Leavers 2022 - 2023
Congratulations to our Year 6 pupils who gained places at the following schools: The Skinner’s School, Mayfield, Worth School, Queenswood, Cranbrook, Tunbridge Wells Boys Grammar, Weald of Kent Grammar School, Bethany, Northease Manor, Frewen, Heathfield Community College, Bennett Memorial School and Uplands.
5 children were allocated Grammar Schools.
Scholarships were awarded in Sport, Musical Theatre and an unconditional offer to Tonbridge School.
Leavers 2021 - 2022
Our Year 6 pupils had a very successful year. The children performed exceptionally well in their SATs tests and despite being a non-selective school, both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 results were significantly above the national average, with a significant number of children gaining greater depth in each subject area.
Destination of July 2022 leavers
Whilst many of our pupils follow the 11+ route, others have gained places at a range of independent and state schools; schools which allow our pupils to thrive and continue to reach their potential. Destination schools for 2022: Tonbridge School, Tonbridge Grammar School for Girls, Tunbridge Wells Girls' Grammar School, Mayfield, Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys, Skinners Grammar School for Boys, Bennett Memorial School, Rose Hill, and Bethany.
9 children were allocated Grammar Schools.
KS2 SATs results 2022
English Reading 89% (74% Nationally) achieved the standard, 33% at Higher Standard
Writing 89% (69% Nationally) achieved the standard, 17% at Higher Standard
G,P & S 94% (72% Nationally) achieved the standard, 50% at Higher Standard
Maths 94% (79% Nationally) achieved the standard, 33% at Higher Standard
Reading, Writing and Maths 83% (59% Nationally) achieved the standard in all 3 areas.
KS1 SATs results 2022
Reading 95% at the Expected Level, of which 50% achieved Greater Depth
Writing 85% at the Expected Level of which 25% were at Greater Depth
Maths 100% at the Expected Level of which 38% achieved Greater Depth