Music is a vibrant, exciting and important part of school life. Class lessons are taught by our specialist music teacher, Mrs Wibberley. Children have many opportunities for music making in and out of school, singing in the church and school choir, the Tunbridge Wells Arts Festival, community events such as the combined schools choir for Rotary and entertaining the residents of local nursing homes at Christmas. Music making is enjoyed from Nursery to Year 6 and includes a mixture of traditional, classical and contemporary.
We have several dedicated and sympathetic peripatetic teachers who offer private tuition for piano, voice, flute, clarinet, saxophone and guitar and pupils may enter the Royal College of Music exams. Music theory is offered as a stand alone session. Recorder club is a popular choice for many of our pupils, providing a gentle introduction to reading music and ensemble playing.
The Spring term Musical Evenings are a popular feature of the school calendar, providing an opportunity for all our young musicians to showcase their talents. Other musical highlights include the Christmas Carol Service, Prizegiving performances and the end of year musical which really celebrates the talents of our Year 6 Leavers and is an experience that they anticipate eagerly and remember fondly.
Music is the highlight of our Christmas Carol service and end of year musical drama productions.
Pupils who display a particular musical talent may be encouraged to try for a Music or Choral Scholarship at one of the independent secondary schools. Pupils are regularly successful in this field with awards to Claremont, Westminster, Beechwood and Mayfield being offered in recent years.
'To sing is to pray twice' : we do so often and with enthusiasm!