Throughout KS2 pupils continue to gain skills, knowledge and understanding across the full range of primary curriculum subjects. Their studies are extended by the introduction of Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning skills from Y3 and a very child-friendly Latin Scheme, Minimus, in Years 5 and 6.  Homework, begun very gently in Y1 with spelling tests and the addition of Maths in Y2, is a more formal feature of the KS2 programme with tasks being set each day for KS2 pupils.


By now all children will have been taught a cursive handwriting style and in Year 3 children usually progress to writing in ink.  Swimming is introduced as an extra element of the PE curriculum.  Years 5 and 6 swim for half a term each during the autumn, with Years 4 and 3 swimming for a full term during the spring and summer terms respectively.


Enrichment continues with events in and outside school including: Shakespeare Drama Workshops, History Days, Writing Workshops, Robotics Day, Visit to Wakehurst Place and the theatre.


In order to facilitate regular sporting fixtures for our boys and girls teams we have a games afternoon for Year 5 and 6 on Wednesdays led by two specialist teachers so that the pupils can focus on separate games sessions.  These afternoons are often the highlight of the week for the pupils, culminating as they generally do in a delicious match tea!


Parents are beginning to focus on Y7 destinations from Year 4/5 and in order to advise more effectively we gather specific data from Y3 upwards which contributes to our assessment profile for each child and helps us to identify potential with regard to future schools including 11+ and Scholarship opportunities, in consultation with parents.


The learning environment in a primary school needs to be interesting and engaging, to inspire and encourage curiosity and Sacred Heart is no exception.  We have an excellent  team of experienced and creative teachers and support staff, including a highly effective SEND department,  who are focused on enabling every child to be their best selves in everything they do.  Our happy and confident pupils – as well as their levels of progress and attainment – are all the proof we need to demonstrate that we are successful in our aims.

Independent Schools AssociationCatholic Independent Schools' Conference