A warm welcome back to all our children, families and teachers.
We have had a wonderful (but very wet!) first few days of term and the children and staff came into school full of energy, enthusiasm and smiles! The children have enjoyed coming together for our whole school liturgy and break times, reconnecting with one another and welcoming new children into the school. It is lovely to be back together as a school family.
We would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new children and families joining us this term. Francesca, Sebastian and Hugo in Nursery; Sophia in Reception; Hector and Marianna in Year 2; Mason in Year 3; Isla and Teddy in Year 4 and Marni in Year 5.
We also welcome our new staff: Mr King in Year 5; Mrs Barber in Year 4; Miss Megarry in Year 3 and Mrs Balmer in Year 1; Mr Hayward and Mr Horler - our PE department. Welcome to our Sacred Heart family!