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The theme this year was "All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online."

The children enjoyed a whole day of activities about safe use of the internet. The day started with a whole school performance of “Little Red Riding Hood" which showed the children how she managed to navigate safely through lots of internet problems. The Big Bad Wolf managed to trick both Grannie and Little Red Riding Hood by pretending to be different friends on the internet, and he even sent a virus to Little Red's iPad. They both learned from their experiences and promised to be much more careful about sharing their personal details in future and checking the identity of people on the internet.

Classes then took part in individual workshops with the actors from the performance. Here they played games and acted out scenarios to remember the SMART principles for safe use of the internet:-
S Safe - Keep your personal information safe
M Meet - you should not meet up with anyone you have only ever met online
A Accepting - accepting files and opening messages from people you do not know can cause problems
R Reliability - check the reliability of information you find out on the internet.
T Tell - tell a trusted adult if anything on the internet makes you feel uncomfortable.

There was a Key Stage 2 Assembly exploring how to play games safely on the internet and how to keep safe and be respectful to other gamers. Later the children thought of instructions and designed posters that they could give to an alien, to show how to play games showing respect to other gamers whilst keeping safe. It was a very interactive day with children taking part in lots of fun activities to reinforce the important message of internet safety.


Independent Schools AssociationCatholic Independent Schools' Conference