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On Thursday, children in Year 5 and Year 6 enjoyed a Viking Workshop with Rollo the Viking!


The day began with the children learning about where the Vikings came from and how they raided and traded. They had the opportunity to handle artefacts and look at Viking clothing and weaponry. The children then had to complete a quiz working their way around a number of fascinating information boards, followed by a Viking game of Nine Men's Morris.

After lunch, the children began with a session exploring the Vikings' contribution to the English language, finding out how many words we still use today including, egg, cake, skirt, husband and freckles, to name but a few! The children also invented themselves a strong Viking name! Rollo told them about Kennings, a form of Viking poetry, and the children wrote Kennings of their own.

The children then went on to learn all about Viking warfare; the sort of armour they wore and the weapons they used. This culminated in some spear wrestling with our very own Mr King taking on Rollo the Viking (Mr King was victorious!) Some of the children then competed against each other, followed by some battle training and being led into battle, one year group pitched against the other!

The day was wrapped up with a telling of the mythical Ragnarok, the end of the world for the Vikings. It was a fascinating day and the children learnt so much in such a short space of time!


Independent Schools AssociationCatholic Independent Schools' Conference