Children in Year 5 all took part in a re-enactment of The Stations of the Cross in the church on Maundy Thursday.
Everyone had an important part to play. Some children were narrators; they spoke beautifully and very clearly, explaining each of The Stations of the Cross, describing what happened, and then inviting the congregation to reflect with a special prayer.
Other children acted out the parts, displaying great maturity, and showing how Jesus made his journey with the cross, was crucified and then placed in the tomb.
The reflection ended with a moving rendition of the hymn "Were you there when they crucified my Lord?" which the children sang as the congregation left the church in silence, as a mark of respect for the sacrifice Jesus made for us all. Taking part in the re-enactment has really helped the children to understand and appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made for us all. This year we have been able to reenact Jesus' journey during Holy Week, which makes the performance very special.
Thank you, Year 5, for all working so hard to make this such a moving, meaningful and special end to the term.