KS2 enjoyed a fantastic version of Romeo and Juliet on Tuesday, acted out by the children themselves and ably assisted by two professional actors. With some fabulous costumes, and prompting from the professionals, the children acted out the whole play, and were particularly impressive in their sword fighting, dancing and death scenes! All the children participated, and being able to see the play really helped them all to understand the story. There was fabulous acting all round, but Matty in Year 4 deserves special mention, as he was awarded a certificate from the actors for his performance as Friar Laurence. Well done to all the children who took part either acting or as an enthusiastic audience!
After the play Year 5 and Year 6 then enjoyed workshops with the actors, where they created freeze-frames or tableaux of scenes from the play. They also worked in teams to devise possible trailers for a Romeo and Juliet film, condensing all the best action into a few quick scenes. It really was a very special morning of activities and Year 5 are now beginning a more detailed study of Romeo & Juliet and MacBeth.