An actor from the Royal Shakespeare Company came to visit Sacred Heart this week, bringing Shakespeare and the play, Macbeth, alive for all the children in Key Stage 2.
First there was a story telling session which was so much fun! Scott retold the story of the play, but there was lots of audience participation, with the children providing all the sound effects, and using their imagination to really experience and understand the motivation of the main characters and the action of the play.
Years 5 and 6 then enjoyed a virtual tour of the Globe Theatre. Scott explained how the theatre was built, destroyed by fire, rebuilt, fell into misuse and then rebuilt again around 20 years ago. They were able to see backstage, inside the theatre and investigate how trap doors in the ceiling and the floor of the theatre can be used to dramatic effect.
For the rest of the day, Years 5 and 6 studied and acted out short scenes from the play in small groups. Scott showed them how to use their bodies, gestures and movement to enhance their acting. It was an amazing day and all the children and adults learnt so much. This was an exciting start to a new topic on Shakespeare for children in Year 5, and some useful revision for Year 6.
Hopefully this will be just the beginning of the children's love for Shakespeare and his plays.