Welcome back to all our children and families.
We have had a wonderful first full week back and the children (and staff) came into school full of energy and enthusiasm! The children have enjoyed coming together for our whole school liturgy and break times, reconnecting with one another and welcoming new children into the school.
We have lots of new starters this term and extend a special welcome to Elowen, Jasper, Edward, Eleanor, Clementine, Lana, Hugo, Henry and Monty in Nursery. Toby and Charles in Reception. Lydia and Emily in Year 2 and finally Oliver in Year 4. Welcome to our Sacred Heart family.
A warm welcome also to Mrs West who joins us in Foundation Stage; she will be working within the nursery. We also welcome Mrs Eisele, our violin peripatetic teacher, Mrs Barstow, our piano peripatetic teacher, Mr Shefford who will be running the STEM club and Mrs Seymour who will be running LAMDA sessions.