This week Nursery have been learning about the Chinese New Year and how each year in China is named after an animal after the Great Race. This year is the year of the Ox. We prepared for the New Year by performing a cleaning dance, making lanterns and paperchains. We have dressed up, used chopsticks to eat noodles and rice and made lucky envelopes.
Reception have also been busy learning about the Chinese New Year. We enjoyed listened to the story 'The Race Across The River' and enjoyed re-telling this story by performing shadow and ordinary puppet shows, using ordinal language to describe the positions of the animals. To practise our reading we have had our own race across the river, reading words as we went. We have also had the opportunity to look at Chinese dragons being used in the celebrations. They are a symbol of strength and hope and inspired us to create our own dancing dragons and learn a poem called, 'Dragon, Dragon'. We have made our own Willow pattern plate art and taken part in traditional New Year festivities like making cards and red money envelopes.