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We have enjoyed such an uplifting end to the term with the final week firmly focused on our Leavers through the Leavers’ Assembly, Mass and special awards at Prizegiving.  With scarcely time to draw breath after the magnificent musical that was ‘The Tempest’, (not to mention the added surprise of the Inspection), the final few days gave us pause to reflect on what is important about the school – and that is always the people: the children and their parents and every member of the staff and governing body. Without any acknowledged intention the importance of teamwork emerged as something of a theme during our celebrations; it was present in the lyrics of the songs at Prizegiving, in the best moments of this class of 2017 Leavers and certainly in the success of the inspection.

This year again we were very fortunate to be in the beautiful chapel at Mayfield, where the acoustics enhanced the musical programme and the setting added an extra special dimension to proceedings.  The celebration is always tinged with sadness when we have to say goodbye to leaving pupils, governors and especially our Year 6 boys and girls and their families.  This year we have to bid farewell to the Wrights, the Wilsons, the Warings, the Wards, the Wadees, the Shines, the Lonkhursts, the Knowers, the Heasmans, the Elliotts, the Clintons and the Amber-Perrins whose youngest children leave from Y6.  Thank you for your support as parents, PTA members and supporters and governors – you will be missed! 

As well as saying goodbye to leaving pupils and their families, sadly we have to say farewell and thank you to members of staff whose career or family circumstances dictate a move:

  • Deborah Michaels, has been swimming coach to the school for 17 years and we estimate that in that time she must have taught almost 1000 Sacred Heart pupils to swim, improve their stroke and be water confident.
  • Mademoiselle Sam, our French assistant, takes a break to focus on the final year of her degree in Fine Art.
  • Michelle Rorke leaves to concentrate more fully on her studies in Special Education.  Michelle has been a highly regarded member of the team in Foundation Stage particularly.
  • Briony Wood leaves from the Finance Department.  Always calm, polite and a whizz on the website, Briony will be missed but she leaves her post in the safe hands of Michelle French.
  • Beth Jacques has made Maths fun, pioneered outdoor learning and inspired the children to produce some amazing artwork not to mention choreographing the dancing girls (and boys) in the musical each year.  We wish her every success in her next post!

And finally to the PTA: marvellously efficient this year, making their fundraising adventures look almost effortless and creating a happy and positive atmosphere in everything they do.  On behalf of the governors and staff, thank you for your tremendous contribution of £7,000 which will finance a Smartboard in the new Foundation Stage building, contribute to traffic calming measures outside the school, as well as the money we have already spent on your behalf on refurbishing the Adventure Playground.

The school will look very different in September when we return to our brand new Foundation Stage building, God willing, and the next exciting chapter in the life of Sacred Heart School!

‘United we are strong, feel the power in our song, we can achieve our dreams, if together we all believe’

Independent Schools AssociationCatholic Independent Schools' Conference