After a number of years of very successful 'Grandparent Day' lunches, we would now like to invite one parent (carer/family member) per family of children from Year 1 to Year 6 to join us for lunch. Not only will this give you a chance to sample the wonderful food on offer to the children, but also an opportunity for children to share their experience with you.
Pollen will be providing their special March theme of ‘Street Food’ on Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th or Thursday 27th March between 12-1 for lunch. You will be warmly welcomed for a 30 minute sitting. This will ensure that we have enough seats for our children and visitors during our usual lunch hour.
Please complete the Google form listing if you are able to join us. This must be completed by 14th March at the latest. We will be unable to accommodate any requests after this date due to food ordering deadlines.
Year 1 to 6 Parent Lunch
For any families unable to come in, we would love to display photographs on a PowerPoint, like we do for our Grandparent Day. Please send these in by Friday 14th March.
For Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception Class), we would like to invite all parents to join us following our Mother's Day Assembly (Tuesday 25th March at 9am) for a special coffee and cake morning. This will start at 9:30am. You do not need to sign up for this.